The addiction we don't like to talk about!
Everyone looks down on people who use substances as though they want to be there. No one really asks a lot of questions about how though. What I've begun to realize is that some got there thanks to their local doctor. People seem to assume that as long as you have a piece of paper that gives you permission you're ok. We all need to be more mindful!
Just because a suit gives you a pill doesn't mean you're not or you can't become addicted. Many people start out on script after a surgery or some other primary reason. When their extended medical runs out or they can no longer afford the $100 or $200 bottle, they turn to the street for the $5 fix.
People see people who use as only those on the street. Look around your neighborhood. Just because the lady across the street gets in a BMW and goes to work at a fancy firm all day doesn't mean she's not popping a pill with her morning coffee or coming home and fazing out after a long day.
You don't know who it is that's cutting your lawn on Friday afternoons, walking your dog, bagging your groceries. Are you not judging them simply because they have a job? Is the criteria that they own their home, or they have the perfect family photo on their social media profile? Maybe they've had to take out a second mortgage to support their habit, or maxed their credit cards.
The judgement needs to stop. The education needs to start.
The problem isn't from the bottom up. Stop looking at those on the street as though it's just a them problem. Sometimes it starts from the top down. We need to start acknowledging this...